дома Хроника Над 500 лица кaзнети поради неносење маски

Над 500 лица кaзнети поради неносење маски

JENA, GERMANY - APRIL 03: A man wears a cloth as a protective face mask on April 3, 2020 in Jena, Germany. A three-part city ordinance is going into effect requiring people to wear protective face masks under circumstances that include shopping, riding public transport and workplaces where social distancing is difficult. A face mask requirement is a current issue of controversy across Germany, with the federal government so far declining to make wearing one in public mandatory. Germany is struggling with a shortage of face masks, and the requirement in Jena also allows the use of scarves and other materials to shield one's face as a means to reduce the risk of anyone infected with Covid-19 from infecting others. (Photo by Jens Schlueter/Getty Images)

Во текот на изминатото деноноќие (02/03.01.2021) на територијата на Република Македонија, по однос на мерката за носење лична заштита на лице, регистрирани се 537 прекршоци.

Министерството за внатрешни работи апелира до граѓаните да ги почитуваат мерките и протоколите донесени од Владата, со цел справување со ковид-19.