Боби Темелков не запиpa – Потребни се доброволци


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Браќа и сестри Македонци споделете !

За одбрана на Македонските Национални Интереси ни требаат доброволци професионални лица кои се специјализирани во следниве струки:

Senior Python Developer (3-4 лица/особи )
Senior React Developer (3-4 лица/особи )
DevOPS Engineer (1-2 лица/особи )
UX Designer (1-2 лица/особи )

Ако ги имате овие квалификации и сакате да помогнете во одбраната на Македонските Национални Интереси ве молам контактирајте ме со приватна порака за повеќе информации.

Senior Python Developer
5+ years’ professional software development experience
Fluent in Python
Skilled in developing web applications
Some experience working with modern Javascript frameworks such as Node.js or React
Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases like NoSQL
Significant experience working with ORM technologies like Django ORM or SqlAlchemy
Experience utilizing cloud services such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc.
Expiriance with GRPC and Kafka
Senior React Developer
5+ years of experience in building JavaScript applications and reusable components
2+ years of experience with React.js
Expert at assembling large-scale modern applications in React.js/Redux, JavaScript, CSS and HTML5
Have strong debugging abilities across all major browsers.
Utilized Cypress, Jest, Junit, or JMock
Solid grasp and fluency in common Design Patterns
DevOPS Engineer
Proficient with configuration management tools like Ansible
Strong background with Jenkins and/or other CI/CD systems, preferable Drone.io
Proficient with Kubernetes, dockers & virtualization.
Experience with data analytics/visualization tools like Kibana, Grafana, Splunk etc.
Advanced knowledge of standard methodologies related to security.
4+ years of proven experience.
UX Designer
Develop user flows, wireframes, UI designs, mockups and prototypes and other UX artifacts as needed
Present ideas, concepts research and designs to stakeholders and team members, clearly explaining design choices and methodology, while being open to feedback
Maintain an understanding of the product roadmap and business objectives to inform your work and priorities
Test and validate design direction
Work with our Product team to ensure consistent brand experience through customer lifecycle

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